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Showing posts from November, 2006


somebody make a not funny joke on urinoir. one of the urinoir is broken, the left one, some janitor put a sign to indicate that nobody should use that. three days later, i saw the sign was moved into the right urinoir.. 'hey, is it the right one now broken?' and that day., later, i saw the left urinoir is still malfunction, it cannot flush the urine. so, there the sight of disgust of yellow urine floating in the urinoir. somebody make a stupid joke :(


mo bikin kopi, .. nyendok gula 2.5 sdt ke cangkir nyendok creamer 2.5 sdt ke cangkir nyendok gula 2.5 sdt ke cangkir nyendok crea,,,, what the hell am i doing.. huah! ngelindur.. terpaksa ambil cangkir baru, coba ambil gula yang udah ada di cangkir lama... ah susah.. tuang lagi dari cangkir baru.. nyendok gula 2.5 sdt ke cangkir nyendok creamer 2.5 sdt ke cangkir nyendok kopi 1 sdt ke cangkir.. aer panas dispenser.. aduk.. dinginin bentar ... auaah!.. kemanisann..