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Showing posts from 2024


the management invites the client for dinner. the arrangement will be 7 people from client will attend. at d-day on last minute, the client informed that they cannot attend, and as a good will gesture, they will be represented by 2 people, plus 1 additional 'unknown' to the management. while the food ordered was for 15 people. happy April fool, then.

office benefit?

on a random day, encounter with a colleague's post on twitter. i know immediately that he is a colleagues, since he use his real full name on twitter. he says something to laptop seller, that the laptop he bought is in excellence condition , although it is a second hand. than he posted image of two laptops, and mention the other one is office laptop. wait, our office gives (lend) laptop? why i don't know about this? maybe it come with the deal when he were hired earlier. 

short february

 this year february is 29 days. but somehow, on 27-feb, our finance informing that salary has been distributed. what the hell happened?! seem the large invoice has been paid, and the boss think by fast forward the salary will make some of his employee happy. well it cause some unbalance . because some people will experience longer 'month' on march, since the payment on march will be the default date, which is end of the month. and march is 31 days long month, plus 2 days early from february, so next payment will occur after duration 33 days.