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Showing posts from November, 2011


i don't what's with me and cockroach, either they spying on me, or just bugging me. i don't know. 2 weeks ago, monday, after arriving in the office, i'm going to have some water. so i pick up my mug on my desk, upside down - since the office boy has already wash it. when i at moment when i'm going to pour some water, i glance at my mug. o_0 WHOOTT!!! what is that inside my mug!!!! tiny little creater, i lost count - maybe more than twenty. INSIDE MY MUG! ARRGGHH! so from that moment - i never use my mug again, even though office boy already cleaning it several times. this week, monday, after arriving in the office, i'm going to have some water. since i'm not using my mug, i pick up my tall glass. while i'm already want to go to pantry, i decided to pick up another mug that i borrowed from colleague. there was it. i saw young cockroach just walking slowly - on my desk - near the mug! ARRGGHH. i make an instant move, using any object i can p